Mobilizing women to fulfill their ministerial call.


points of engagement


Cultivating a diverse culture that identifies gifts and opens doors to position women in ministry.


Creating opportunities for women through connecting, coaching, and mentoring.


Equipping women in ministerial and leadership competencies




how we engage


Connection Meetups

These help to build peer mentoring relationships and network with other women in ministry leadership.

One on One Mentoring

Mentoring and coaching are essential tools in leadership development and personal growth.


These are effective and economic ways to provide leadership development on a variety of topics.


Mastermind Groups

These intentional groups provide an environment where participants can present challenges, projects they are working on, decisions both personal and ministry related, and other participants and the facilitator will provide feedback.

Leadership Summit

1-2 day intentional teaching, training, & relational connect opportunities.

Credential Interviews

This is an opportunity for those who are ordained to represent NWM on these days and connect with those coming into the pipeline.

